Minecraft Server - The Server

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A Classic minecraft server.

    The Only Commands!


    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2011-08-14

    The Only Commands! Empty The Only Commands!

    Post  Admin Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:31 pm

    @username message
    sends a private message to that user.
    /whisper username
    All text is sent to this user. You may still manually use "#" for operator only chat. See FAQ for usage examples.
    sends a message only OP/Admin can read. Anybody can use this (even banned) but the message will only be displayed for the person sending the message, and OP's/Admins.
    All text is sent to operator only chat. You may still manually use "@" to whisper.
    If global chat is disabled in server.properties, this will send a message all players can see, otherwise regular chat is restricted to the map you are on.

    /about - Allows you to see the info about a block by destroying it (or placing a block inside of lava/water.)
    /abort or /a - Cancels /about, /cuboid, and /replace
    /afk <awaymessage> - set yourself to AFK with message (message not required) or just /afk to return.
    /afk list - show all afk players
    /aid [block] - Puts a block under the player (client side). Defaults to yellow.
    /ban <username> - Ban a player by name (not kicked, any blocks they change after the ban will revert upon them leaving server.)
    /ban #<username> - Silently Ban a player by name (not kicked, any blocks they change after the ban will revert upon them leaving server.)
    /banip <ip address or username> - IP ban by IP or name of the user. If you stealth banned somebody, you can use /whowas after they leave to acquire their IP to ban.
    /banned - shows the banned list
    /bannedip - shows the banned IP list
    /bind <block 1> <block 2> - binds block 2 to block 1 (ex. /bind stone water will make the stone block place water blocks.) Use /bind <block1> to unbind it.
    /builddoor - Activates / deactivates door building mode. All placed blocks are turned into their door_material.
    /buildop - Activates / deactivates operator building mode. All placed blocks are turned into their op_material.
    /cuboid <block> <type> or /z <block> <type> - create a cuboid with the held block (/cuboid), create a cuboid with the specified block (/cuboid water) and specify the cuboid type (/cuboid stone hollow) Cuboid types are "solid" (default type) "hollow" (only the outside 6 faces are created) and "walls" (only the 4 vertical walls are created) Once the command has been entered place/remove two blocks to set where the cuboid is to be created. Note that /z also works as cuboid.
    /deletelvl <level> - Permanently deletes a level. Creates a single backup before deleting. You must remove this backup manually before you can delete a level with the same name.
    /door [ignoreblock1 to ignoreblock7] - Turns all blocks in a specified area to their door_material
    /doorview [all] [ignoreblock1 to ignoreblock7] - Turns door_material in a specified area green (client side only) for ease of viewing. See FAQ for usage examples.
    /fakemsg <player> <message> - Sends a chat message under that players name
    /follow <player> - Puts you into hide mode and follows a player. Try not to click or you'll give yourself away.
    /goto <map name> - go to the map specified
    /help - shows a list of commands or use /help <command> to find more information about a specific command
    /hide - Become invisible or visible to other players.
    /hidden - Shows a list of hidden players
    /info - Shows info about MCSharp
    /joker <player> - Replaces the players messages with funny messages from joker.txt
    /kick <username> - kick a player by name
    /kickban <username> - kick and ban a player by name
    /lava - enable/disable static lava building mode (any block placed becomes static lava)
    /levels - shows a list of all levels on the server. This will list per rank, what maps they can visit. Ex. non guest maps will show up under "Can't Goto" for any guests that use /levels.
    /load <map name> - Loads a map
    /lock [all] [ignoreblock1 to ignoreblock7] - Turns blocks in a specified area to op_material. See FAQ for usage examples.
    /mapinfo - shows the details for the current map including build/visit rights.
    /me <text> - Used for roleplaying (ex. /me runs frantically away.)
    /mute <player> - Toggles mute on the player so they cannot chat or use commands. Check the console for their chat messages.
    /newlvl <level name> <length x> <height y> <width z> <type> - creates a new level of the specified type. Valid types are flat, pixel, island, mountains, forest, and ocean. (ex. /newlvl Underwater 128 64 128 ocean)
    /news - Displays news from the news.txt file
    /opchat - All text is sent to operator only chat. You may still use "@" to whisper someone.
    /ops - shows a list of Operators
    /opview [all] [ignoreblock1 to ignoreblock7] - Turns op_material in a specified area purple (client side only) for ease of viewing. See FAQ for usage examples.
    /paint or /p - Enable/Disable paint mode (destroyed block is replaced with held block)
    /perbuild <rank> - Sets the rank required to build on the current map.
    /pervisit <rank> - Sets the rank required to goto the current map, you can not prevent people from joining and loading into main with this but they would not be able to return.
    /players - shows a list of players online
    /physics # - set the physics mode for the current level (0=off, 1=on, 2=advanced) See PHYSICS section for more information.
    /ratio <name> - Displays block change statistics for the specified player.
    /replace <block 1> <block 2> or /r <block1> <block2> - Works like /cuboid but replaces all of block 1 with block 2 in the set area. (ex. /replace stone adminium)
    /restore <backup number> - Restore current map to revision number. /restore alone will list number of backups (highest number is latest backup.)
    /reveal <player> - Updates the map for a banned player. They will see that all their block changes disappeared.
    /rules - Displays the server rules, you can also send the rules to a player with /rules <username>, useful for enforcing rules if a player claims they have not read the /rules.
    /save - Save the current level (automatically saved every 2 minutes anyway)
    /setrank <name> <rank> - Sets a player to a rank. Available ranks are: Guest, Builder, Advbuilder, op. '/setrank <name> will display a player's rank.
    /say <message> - Send a server message
    /sendlevel <player> <level> - Sends a player to another level. They must have permission to visit the map.
    /setspawn - Set the spawn point for the current level
    /solid - Enable/Disable solid building mode (any block placed becomes adminium)
    /spawn - Teleport to the map spawn regardless of your own set spawn point.
    /summon <username> - Teleport the specified player to you
    /time - Displays the server time
    /tp <username> - Teleport to the specified user (you can also hold tab and click the person's name if its a long name)
    /tree - Placed saplings will grow into trees (only grows on air blocks)
    /unban <username> - unban a player by name
    /unbanip <ipaddress> - unban an ip
    /undoor [all] [ignoreblock1 to ignoreblock7] - Turns all door_material in an area back into regular blocks. See FAQ for usage examples.
    /undoorview [all] [ignoreblock1 to ignoreblock7] - Turns "green viewed" door_material in a specified area back to normal (client side only) for ease of viewing. See FAQ for usage examples.
    /unload <map name> - Unload a map
    /unlock [all] [ignoreblock1 to ignoreblock7] - Turns op_material in a specified area back to normal. See FAQ for usage examples.
    /unopview [all] [ignoreblock1 to ignoreblock7] - Turns "purple viewed" op_material in a specified area back to normal (client side only) for ease of viewing. See FAQ for usage examples.
    /water - Enable/Disable static water building mode (any block placed becomes water)
    /whisper <name> - Enables or disables whisper chat. See FAQ for usage examples.
    /whois <username> - Show details on a connected player
    /whowas <username> - Show details on a recently disconnected player

      Current date/time is Wed May 08, 2024 3:27 pm